
인천힘찬종합병원 의료진 약력



  • 관절내시경 및 인공관절 수술
  • 하지관절 (무릎/고관절/족관절)
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  • ㆍ한림대학교 의과대학 졸업
  • ㆍ강남성심병원 정형외과 전공의 수료
  • ㆍ강남성심병원 정형외과 전임의 수료
  • ㆍ삼성서울병원 정형외과 전임의 수료
  • ㆍ정형외과 석사 수료
  • ㆍ대한정형외과학회 정회원
  • ㆍ대한관절경학회 정회원
  • ㆍ대한슬관절학회 정회원
  • ㆍ대한스포츠학회 정회원
  • ㆍ대한정형스포츠학회 정회원
  • ㆍ대한골절학회 정회원
  • ㆍ미국정형외과학회 AAOS 정회원
  • ㆍNewYork-Presbyterian Hospital / Columbia campus Anesthesia & Pain Medicine course 수료
  • ㆍ前 대한축구협회 풋살 국가대표 팀닥터
  • ㆍKim YT, Kang MW, Lee JK, Kim JI. Combined use of topical intraarticular tranexamic acid and rivaroxaban in total knee arthroplasty safely reduces blood loss, transfusion rates, and wound complications without increasing the risk of thrombosis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorder. 2018 Jul.
  • ㆍChenyu W, Kang MW, Kim HN. Arthroscopic Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus in a Suspended Position With the Patient in a Prone Position. Foot Ankle Int. 2019 Jul.
  • ㆍKim JY, Kang MW, Lee HW, Noh KC. Suprascapular Nerve Block Is an Effective Pain Control Method in Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Orthop J Sports Med. 2021 Jan.
  • ㆍKang MW, Kim YT, Lee JH, Lee JK, Kim JI, Preoperative rotational assessment of the distal femur with CT may cause femoral component malrotation in TKA. Knee. 2021 Sep.
  • ㆍJung HJ, Kang MW, Lee JH, Kim JI, Do Preoperative Vastus Medialis Volume and Quality Affect Functional Outcomes after Total Knee Arthroplasty?. J Clin Med. 2022 Jun.
  • ㆍJung HJ, Kang MW, Lee JH, Kim JI, Learning curve of robot-assisted total knee arthroplasty and its effects on implant position in Asian patients: A prospective study. BMC Musculoskelt Disord. 2023 Apr.
  • ㆍJung HJ, Kang MW, Lee JH, Kim JI, Intravenous Iron Administered the Day before Total Knee Arthroplasty Improves Postoperative Anemia Recovery. Medicina. 2023 Mar.
  • ㆍJung HJ, Kang MW, Lee JH, Lee JK, Kim JI, Preoperative patellar bone marrow lesions with full thickness cartilage defects correlate with residual anterior knee pain in total knee arthroplasty without patellar resurfacing. KSSTA. 2023 Nov.
  • ㆍSuh DK, Kang MW, Kim TJ, Kim SY, Wang JH, Distally and Anteriorly Oriented Anterolateral Ligament Femoral Tunnel can Reduce Convergence with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tunnel. AJSM. 2023 Dec.
  • ㆍ2024년 4월 24일 MBN 명사수 '60회 - 세월의 흔적, 퇴행성 관절염'