
Health Promotion Center

Health Promotion Center

Health Promotion Center of Incheon Himchan General Hospital has specialists including occupational and environmental medicine, dentistry, family medicine, gynecology, and pediatrics. We provide customized health check-up services, considering gender, age, family history, and lifestyle.
With a comfortable and pleasant environment and facilities, Health Promotion Center leads a healthier life through 1:1 follow-up service.

Himchan Premium Plus Comprehensive Checkup

· Himchan Premium Plus Comprehensive Examination aims at specific exams for adult diseases and cancers, which currently have a high incidence.

· The following items are added to Himchan Gold Comprehensive Examination.

Click to Himchan Gold Comprehensive Checkup

Himchan Premium Plus (Himchan Gold preceded) Digestive System Exam colonos
copy (sleep) *sleep w/o extra charge
The esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and large intestine are observed with high-definition endoscopy equipment. The screening program diagnoses and treats stomach cancer, colon cancer, polyps, and chronic inflammatory diseases early.
Thyroid Ultrasound thyroid exam Assessing the thyroid gland shape through ultrasound can diagnose thyroiditis and thyroid cancer
Carotid Ultrasound carotid artery exam High-resolution ultrasound enables measuring the thickness of the carotid intima and screening arteriosclerosis.
Low dose CT for the lung low dose CT scan for the lung It enables early detection and prevention of lung cancer.
sclerosis Exam
arteriosclerosis exam It enables assessing hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis.
Female Checkup breast ultrasound It enables early detection of fibroadenoma, fibrocystic change, breast cancer, and others.
uterus & vaginal ultrasound It enables early detection of intrauterine diseases, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer.
Male Checkup prostate ultrasound It enables early detection of enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.
Program Exam Item Details