Specialized Center
We operate a pain management program aiming to lessen the pain the best covering a joint, spine, neuropathic pain, as well as pre-and-post surgery pains. It is optimized for painless surgery system and daily pain management depending on the patient conditions. Systematically we help patients manage chronic headaches, numbness in the hands and feet, circulation disorders, and autonomic abnormalities.
A nerve block monitors the lesion in real time through a computer image fluoroscopy (C-arm), in which drugs are injected precisely into the nerve area that causes pain so that inflammation and pain can be relieved.
It applies a self-healing principle of a human body, artificially inducing an inflammatory reaction in the area causing pain. It can prevent recurrence of pain by regenerating and strengthening damaged ligaments and tendons.
It reduces pain by injecting a medication that removes pain in the tender point so that fibrosis can be prevented or blood circulation can be improved. For one treatment, a medication is injected into about 1 to 3 different spots at the tender point. As a very thin needle is used, there is little pain.